Our Favorite Low-Alcohol Wines

Don’t let your thirst for wine go unquenched!

The start of a new year often signifies lifestyle changes for many. Being active, eating healthily, drinking plenty of water, and maybe even forgoing alcoholic beverages. While there are many reasons to refrain from drinking alcohol, oenophiles might find that nothing is quite the same as a freshly poured glass of wine. If you find yourself longing for a glass, but want to stay true to your goals, we’re here to help!


Vinho Verde

Translated, Vinho Verde means ‘green wine.’ This wine gets its name from the region it originates from in northwest Portugal. Vinho Verde is a great choice when seeking out a wine with a low ABV (alcohol by volume).


Looking for a red wine with low ABV? Beaujolais-Villages is an amazing option. These wines get their name from the Beaujolais region in France, where there are over 38 production villages.

Most other low ABV wines can be off-dry or sweet, but be sure to try:

  • Moscato

  • Brachetto

  • Bugey Cerdon

  • Riesling

Low-alcohol doesn’t have to mean no alcohol! If you are looking to minimize your alcohol consumption, we hope you found these recommendations helpful.

PS. If you wish to stay away from alcohol altogether, our Mocktail Tastings should do the trick!


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